Thomas Alva Edison, best known for his invention of
the phonograph and incandescent electric light, Edison took out 1,093 patents
in a variety of fields, including electric light and power, telephony and
telegraphy, and sound recording. His public image as a homespun, untutored
genius actually concealed a thinker who was quite systematic and methodical and
who collaborated closely with machinists, designers, and scientists in his
laboratory at Menlo Park, N.J.
Edison was the
quintessential American inventor in the era of Yankee ingenuity. He began his
career in 1863, in the adolescence of the telegraph industry, when virtually
the only source of electricity was primitive batteries putting out a low-voltage
current. Before he died, in 1931, he had played a critical role in introducing
the modern age of electricity. From his laboratories and workshops emanated the
phonograph, the carbon-button transmitter for the telephone speaker and
microphone, the incandescent lamp, a revolutionary generator of unprecedented
efficiency, the first commercial electric light and power system, an
experimental electric railroad, and key elements of motion-picture apparatus,
as well as a host of other invention.
Edison was the
seventh and last child—the fourth surviving—of Samuel Edison, Jr., and Nancy
Elliot Edison. At an early age he developed hearing problems, which have been
variously attributed but were most likely due to a familial tendency to
mastoiditis. Whatever the cause, Edison’s deafness strongly influenced his behavior
and career, providing the motivation for many of his invention.
Thomas Alva
Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, and it quickly became the most popular
home-entertainment device of the century. Seeking to provide a visual
accompaniment to the phonograph, Edison commissioned Dickson, a young
laboratory assistant, to invent a motion-picture.
In 1854 Samuel
Edison became the lighthouse keeper and carpenter on the Fort Gratiot military
post near Port Huron, Michigan, where the family lived in a substantial home.
Alva, as the inventor was known until his second marriage, entered school there
and attended sporadically for five years. He was imaginative and inquisitive,
but because much instruction was by rote and he had difficulty hearing, he was
bored and was labeled a misfit. To compensate, he became an avid and omnivorous
reader. Edison’s lack of formal schooling was not unusual. At the time of the
Civil War the average American had attended school a total of 434 days—little
more than two years’ schooling by today’s standards.
In 1859 Edison
quit school and began working as a train boy on the railroad between Detroit
and Port Huron. Four years earlier, the Michigan Central had initiated the
commercial application of the telegraph by using it to control the movement of
its trains, and the Civil War brought a vast expansion of transportation and
communication. Edison took advantage of the opportunity to learn telegraphy and
in 1863 became an apprentice telegrapher.
received on the initial Morse telegraph were inscribed as a series of dots and
dashes on a strip of paper that was decoded and read, so Edison’s partial
deafness was no handicap. Receivers were increasingly being equipped with a
sounding key, however, enabling telegraphers to “read” messages by the clicks.
The transformation of telegraphy to an auditory art left Edison more and more
disadvantaged during his six-year career as an itinerant telegrapher in the
Midwest, the South, Canada, and New England. Amply supplied with ingenuity and
insight, he devoted much of his energy toward improving the inchoate equipment
and inventing devices to facilitate some of the tasks that his physical
limitations made difficult. By January 1869 he had made enough progress with a
duplex telegraph (a device capable of transmitting two messages simultaneously
on one wire) and a printer, which converted electrical signals to letters, that
he abandoned telegraphy for full-time invention and entrepreneurship.
Edison moved to
New York City, where he initially went into partnership with Frank L. Pope, a
noted electrical expert, to produce the Edison Universal Stock Printer and
other printing telegraphs. Between 1870 and 1875 he worked out of Newark, New
Jersey, and was involved in a variety of partnerships and complex transactions
in the fiercely competitive and convoluted telegraph industry, which was
dominated by the Western Union Telegraph Company. As an independent entrepreneur
he was available to the highest bidder and played both sides against the
middle. During this period he worked on improving an automatic telegraph system
for Western Union’s rivals. The automatic telegraph, which recorded messages by
means of a chemical reaction engendered by the electrical transmissions, proved
of limited commercial success, but the work advanced Edison’s knowledge of
chemistry and laid the basis for his development of the electric pen and
mimeograph, both important devices in the early office machine industry, and
indirectly led to the discovery of the phonograph. Under the aegis of Western
Union he devised the quadruple, capable of transmitting four messages
simultaneously over one wire, but railroad baron and Wall Street financier Jay
Gould, Western Union’s bitter rival, snatched the quadruple from the telegraph
company’s grasp in December 1874 by paying Edison more than $100,000 in cash,
bonds, and stock, one of the larger payments for any invention up to that time.
Years of litigation followed.
Although Edison
was a sharp bargainer, he was a poor financial manager, often spending and
giving away money more rapidly than he earned it. In 1871 he married
16-year-old Mary Stilwell, who was as improvident in household matters as he
was in business, and before the end of 1875 they were in financial
difficulties. To reduce his costs and the temptation to spend money, Edison
brought his now-widowed father from Port Huron to build a 2 1/2-story
laboratory and machine shop in the rural environs of Menlo Park, New Jersey—12
miles south of Newark—where he moved in March 1876. Accompanying him were two
key associates, Charles Bachelor and John Kruesi. Bachelor, born in Manchester
in 1845, was a master mechanic and draftsman who complemented Edison perfectly
and served as his “ears” on such projects as the phonograph and telephone. He
was also responsible for fashioning the drawings that Kruesi, a Swiss-born machinist,
translated into models.
experienced his finest hours at Menlo Park. While experimenting on an
underwater cable for the automatic telegraph, he found that the electrical
resistance and conductivity of carbon (then called plumbago) varied according
to the pressure it was under. This was a major theoretical discovery, which
enabled Edison to devise a “pressure relay” using carbon rather than the usual
magnets to vary and balance electric currents. In February 1877 Edison began
experiments designed to produce a pressure relay that would amplify and improve
the audibility of the telephone, a device that Edison and others had studied
but which Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent, in 1876. By the end of
1877 Edison had developed the carbon-button transmitter that is still used in
telephone speakers and microphones.
Edison invented
many items, including the carbon transmitter, in response to specific demands
for new products or improvements. But he also had the gift of serendipity: when
some unexpected phenomenon was observed, he did not hesitate to halt work in
progress and turn off course in a new direction. This was how, in 1877, he
achieved his most original discovery, the phonograph. Because the telephone was
considered a variation of acoustic telegraphy, Edison during the summer of 1877
was attempting to devise for it, as he had for the automatic telegraph, a
machine that would transcribe signals as they were received, in this instance
in the form of the human voice, so that they could then be delivered as
telegraph messages. (The telephone was not yet conceived as a general,
person-to-person means of communication.) Some earlier researchers, notably the
French inventor Léon Scott, had theorized that each sound, if it could be
graphically recorded, would produce a distinct shape resembling shorthand, or phonograph
(“sound writing”), as it was then known. Edison hoped to reify this concept by
employing a stylus-tipped carbon transmitter to make impressions on a strip of par
affined paper. To his astonishment, the scarcely visible indentations generated
a vague reproduction of sound when the paper was pulled back beneath the
stylus. Thomas Alva Edison demonstrating his tinfoil phonograph, c. 1877.
Edison unveiled
the tinfoil phonograph, which replaced the strip of paper with a cylinder
wrapped in tinfoil, in December 1877. It was greeted with incredulity. Indeed,
a leading French scientist declared it to be the trick device of a clever
ventriloquist. The public’s amazement was quickly followed by universal
acclaim. Edison was projected into worldwide prominence and was dubbed the
Wizard of Menlo Park, although a decade passed before the phonograph was
transformed from a laboratory curiosity into a commercial product.
Another offshoot
of the carbon experiments reached fruition sooner. Samuel Langley, Henry
Draper, and other American scientists needed a highly sensitive instrument that
could be used to measure minute temperature changes in heat emitted from the
Sun’s corona during a solar eclipse along the Rocky Mountains on July 29, 1878.
To satisfy those needs Edison devised a “microtasimeter” employing a carbon
button. This was a time when great advances were being made in electric arc
lighting, and during the expedition, which Edison accompanied, the men
discussed the practicality of “subdividing” the intense arc lights so that
electricity could be used for lighting in the same fashion as with small,
individual gas “burners.” The basic problem seemed to be to keep the burner, or
bulb, from being consumed by preventing it from overheating. Edison thought he
would be able to solve this by fashioning a microtasimeter-like device to
control the current. He boldly announced that he would invent a safe, mild, and
inexpensive electric light that would replace the gaslight.
The incandescent
electric light had been the despair of inventors for 50 years, but Edison’s
past achievements commanded respect for his boastful prophecy. Thus, a
syndicate of leading financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts,
established the Edison Electric Light Company and advanced him $30,000 for
research and development. Edison proposed to connect his lights in a parallel
circuit by subdividing the current, so that, unlike arc lights, which were
connected in a series circuit, the failure of one lightbulb would not cause a
whole circuit to fail. Some eminent scientists predicted that such a circuit
could never be feasible, but their findings were based on systems of lamps with
low resistance—the only successful type of electric light at the time. Edison,
however, determined that a bulb with high resistance would serve his purpose,
and he began searching for a suit.
By the summer of
1879 Edison and Upton had made enough progress on a generator—which, by reverse
action, could be employed as a motor—that Edison, beset by failed incandescent
lamp experiments, considered offering a system of electric distribution for
power, not light. By October Edison and his staff had achieved encouraging
results with a complex, regulator-controlled vacuum bulb with a platinum filament,
but the cost of the platinum would have made the incandescent light
impractical. While experimenting with an insulator for the platinum wire, they
discovered that, in the greatly improved vacuum they were now obtaining through
advances made in the vacuum pump, carbon could be maintained for some time
without elaborate regulatory apparatus. Advancing on the work of Joseph Wilson
Swan, an English physicist, Edison found that a carbon filament provided a good
light with the concomitant high resistance required for subdivision. Steady
progress ensued from the first breakthrough in mid-October until the initial
demonstration for the backers of the Edison Electric Light Company on December
One of the accidental
discoveries made in the Menlo Park laboratory during the development of the
incandescent light anticipated the British physicist J.J. Thomson’s discovery
of the electron 15 years later. In 1881–82 William J. Hammer, a young engineer
in charge of testing the light globes, noted a blue glow around the positive
pole in a vacuum bulb and a blackening of the wire and the bulb at the negative
pole. This phenomenon was first called “Hammer’s phantom shadow,” but when
Edison patented the bulb in 1883 it became known as the “Edison effect.”
Scientists later determined that this effect was explained by the thermionic
emission of electrons from the hot to the cold electrode, and it became the
basis of the electron tube and laid the foundation for the electronics
Edison had moved
his operations from Menlo Park to New York City when work commenced on the
Manhattan power system. Increasingly, the Menlo Park property was used only as
a summer home. In August 1884 Edison’s wife, Mary, suffering from deteriorating
health and subject to periods of mental derangement, died there of “congestion
of the brain,” apparently a tumour or hemorrhage. Her death and the move from
Menlo Park roughly mark the halfway point of Edison’s life.
A widower with
three young children, Edison, on February 24, 1886, married 20-year-old Mina
Miller, the daughter of a prosperous Ohio manufacturer. He purchased a hilltop
estate in West Orange, New Jersey, for his new bride and constructed nearby a
grand, new laboratory, which he intended to be the world’s first true research
facility. There, he produced the commercial phonograph, founded the
motion-picture industry, and developed the alkaline storage battery.
Nevertheless, Edison was past the peak of his productive period. A poor manager
and organizer, he worked best in intimate, relatively unstructured surroundings
with a handful of close associates and assistants; the West Orange laboratory
was too sprawling and diversified for his talents. Furthermore, as a significant
portion of the inventor’s time was taken up by his new role of industrialist,
which came with the commercialization of incandescent lighting and the
phonograph, electrical developments were passing into the domain of
university-trained mathematicians and scientists. Above all, for more than a
decade Edison’s energy was focused on a magnetic ore-mining venture that proved
the unquestioned disaster of his career.
The first major Endeavour
at the new laboratory was the commercialization of the phonograph, a venture
launched in 1887 after Alexander Graham Bell, his cousin Chichester, and
Charles Tainter had developed the graph phone—an improved version of Edison’s
original device—which used waxed cardboard instead of tinfoil. Two years later,
Edison announced that he had “perfected” the phonograph, although this was far
from true. In fact, it was not until the late 1890s, after Edison had
established production and recording facilities adjacent to the laboratory,
that all the mechanical problems were overcome and the phonograph became a
profitable proposition.
In the meantime,
Edison conceived the idea of popularizing the phonograph by linking to it in
synchronization a zoetrope, a device that gave the illusion of motion to
photographs shot in sequence. He assigned the project to William K.L. Dickson,
an employee interested in photography, in 1888. After studying the work of
various European photographers who also were trying to record motion, Edison
and Dickson succeeded in constructing a working camera and a viewing
instrument, which were called, respectively, the Kinetograph and the
Kinetoscope. Synchronizing sound and motion proved of such insuperable
difficulty, however, that the concept of linking the two was abandoned, and the
silent movie was born. Edison constructed at the laboratory the world’s first
motion-picture stage, nicknamed the “Black Maria,” in 1893.
Edison’s career,
the fulfillment of the American dream of rags-to-riches through hard work and
intelligence, made him a folk hero to his countrymen. In temperament he was an
uninhibited egotist, at once a tyrant to his employees and their most
entertaining companion, so that there was never a dull moment with him. He was
charismatic and courted publicity, but he had difficulty socializing and
neglected his family. His shafts at the expense of the “long-haired” fraternity
of theorists sometimes led formally trained scientists to deprecate him as
anti-intellectual; yet he employed as his aides, at various times, a number of eminent
mathematical physicists, such as Nikola Tesla and A.E. Kennelly. The
contradictory nature of his forceful personality, as well as such
eccentricities as his ability to catnap anywhere, contributed to his legendary
status. By the time he was in his middle 30s Edison was said to be the
best-known American in the world.
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