Sunday, 11 February 2018



Enormous problems are being confronted by the UMMAH for the absence of unity. Today, the Muslim world is much more beset with problems than that of others, although the great purpose of Islam is totally different from the scenario. Unemployment, economic disparity, hunger, illiteracy, sectarianism and extremism are vehemently being found in the Muslim world. Political instability has become a serious concern among the Muslims. Palestinian crisis is not a newly emerged issue; rather more than half a century before, the crisis was emerged by the Westerners but the shattered Muslims have not yet been able to solve that problem. The unemployment rate among the Palestinians is over 26 percent according to ILO. The casualties emerged from Iraq and Afghan war are innumerable. One million Iraqis were killed by the US invasion and even today Iraq is bearing those heinous consequences. Afghanistan, Libya, Algeria are bearing the strong evidence of the consequence of non-cooperation among the Muslim UMMAH. Terrorism and extremism have become a severe threat on the identity of Muslim though Islam has no connection with terrorism. So a unified Muslim community would easily be able to solve the problems and that will bring worldly and spiritual welfare to the whole humanity.

Benefits the conspirators get for our division:

The conspirators are highly benefitted from the existing division among the Muslims. Political and economic dependence are booming for the non-unity and sometimes it is used as an instrument for repressing Muslims by the Muslims. The Iraq-Iran war was carried out by the heinous conspiracy of the United States in 90s. The present Syrian civil war has become a catastrophe to hundreds of thousands of people as since the inception of the war, innumerable people have escaped from the country but the fact is that always Muslims have been victimized and more than that. Despite Muslim territory is the key player in the modern world as the biggest supplier of the natural resources as oil, gas and so forth, the Muslims’ resources are being used for the implementation of Western political agenda.

Bad effects for having no unity:
Problems that are being faced by the Muslims are the supreme consequence for the lack of unity among the Muslims. Sectarianism is not being possible to deter for non-co-operation and as a consequence, life of lots of people has become endangered. Palestine issue is still unsolved and Western powers still dare to invade new Muslim territories under the veil of different lame excuse e.g. terrorism etc. because of non-unity in UMMAH. The present situation is that every Muslim country appears to think is that economic development is the ultimate object of the nation territory. Cultural and traditional activities are getting lost day by day and which has made a possibility for getting influenced by the Western anti-Islamic culture and, consequently, a severe crisis is going through into the Muslim minds whether it is better to follow the Western or Islam. Though, there is no fundamental difference between Shite and Sunnis, but apparently this is used for promoting political disturbance. In the south-east Asia, the Rohingya problem has severely destroyed thousands of Muslim lives, immense property as well and even today, the exclusion from the land is going on but this problem has not yet been solved. It was expected that the Muslim world would take initiative to resolve that crisis but no satisfactory result was emerged. So the entire Muslim nation is passing over a serious crisis for the lack of unity.

Why do we need unity?
Now in the contemporary world, Muslim UMMAH is divided into various sects based upon narrow concept of nationalism, economic dependency on non-Muslim countries and diversified education system. The importance of unity among the UMMAH can be circumscribed in various ways. The Qur’anic requirement is that the Muslims should always be unified and by this requirement every task can be achieved easily.  Political, social and economic issues can easily be solved if the UMMAH is unified. If we call to mind the history of Muslim UMMAH, the picture we can visualize that the downward among the Muslim nation territories started as soon as they started denying the unity. Today’s real picture is that the most influential role players among inside the Muslim countries are the Westerners but the fact is that how aliens can have such power despite we have one and half billion populations. A common problem faced by most of the Muslim countries is the internal conflict between secularism and Islam. A strong sect has been created among and within Muslims who implement those agenda which the Western powers want them to implement.  These divisions and non-unity are paving the farther way to make the UMMAH more vulnerable.  Should there have been any invasion in Iraq, Afghan, Libya and Syria, if the UMMAH were unified?
The speech of Imam Khomeini is worthy to mention here. He mentioned the real situation of divided Muslim UMMAH and urged us to be united to protect the whole world from being destroyed. He said that Islamic nation has passed over desperate times and has seen many ups and downs in the history; and today it has reached to a decisive point. Today is the day of unifying the Islamic world. You see the enemy investment to discompose the current poor unity. They try to make schism between Islamic tribes, Islamic sects and Islamic nations spreading narrow concept of nationalism, native culture, Shia- Sunni conflict, Fiqh, so called terrorism to make people of one side kill the people of other side and vice versa and, consequently, they remain unaware of the real enemy of the Muslim world and designers of domination over this area of the world. If the Muslim world had been united, Palestine should not have remained lonely today. It is the time to forget the differences and mention the similarities which we hold as a Muslim. As they consider us as Muslim, and kill us illegally and violently only for this identity, we should not be separated for silly reasons what we can avoid easily. We should forget small dissimilarities for the greater interest of the UMMAH. When Imam Khomeini has forgotten Shia-Sunni conflict we, the Sunnis, should forget the conflict and come forward for the purpose of uniting the UMMAH.
The Muslims have to understand that the Westerners will not ever drive the Muslims to the right path rather the Muslims by their own have to solve their problems and that is why a unified UMMAH is a crying need.

Obstacles in the way of being unified.
We can define the obstacles in the way to be unified in two broader senses —–
Weaknesses (Internal Problems)
Threat (External Problems)

Weaknesses (Internal Problems):

Ideological conflict:
After the death of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Muslims became divided into various groups with different ideologies like Wahabi, Kharejee, Salafi etc. The reality suggests that these groups can’t tolerate each other easily. In this way, the internal conflict emerged systematically.

Shia-Sunni dogma:
Western influenced Shia-Sunni sectarian dogma is presented as a rising phenomenon in Islamic world which is responsible for dividing the UMMAH. It should be avoided by soft handed policies as soon as possible.

Different explanation of knowledge regarding Sharia:
The academic opinions of the rated four Fuqaha, Imam Malik, Imam Abu Haneefah, Imam Shafi’i and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal based on the understanding and interpretation of the Qur’an and Sunnah texts are known as the four schools of thought. Every school has the sufficient materials which are accepted in Sha’ria. Because there are mutual differences in their opinions and explanation on the contextual practice of Sha’ria and why there is a difference in their followers. Due to this, the Muslim UMMAH has been divided into several groups. These rated Jurists tried to explore the will of Almighty and to adapt the practice of Islam in different contexts by going through the Holy Quran and Sunnah for which they deserve high reward. However the Muslims have made it mandatory to follow one specific Imam and started to undermine the others. Due to this, the view of bigotry born and the Muslims have started confrontation against each other causing deterioration to the real spirit of Islam.

Leadership crisis:
The whole Islamic world is going through a critical situation that also affected the leadership. Leadership dilemma from both technical and adaptive perspective has arisen among Muslim UMMAH and, thus, created a problem to take any bold decision. This leadership crisis also badly affects the way onward to unifying the UMMAH. The leaders of Muslim countries are failing to unite in the points of their common interests despite Muslim UMMAH has plenty of burning issue in common.

Immature diplomacy
The reality suggests that the leaders of Muslim countries are immature in diplomacy and that increases their dependency on the non-Muslim world. This is another point where Muslim leaders often fail to come into a common interest with West and to negotiate their share in mutual diplomacy.

Heterogeneous political interest:
Because of separate national identity of Muslim countries, the political interest is heterogeneous in nature. Therefore the UMMAH is divided into many fraction based on their political interest. These interests often collide with each other which further create the ground of dissension.

Gap in knowledge movement:
The vast population of Muslim UMMAH is illiterate and therefore cannot take a holistic decision. They are being constantly exploited by the anti-Islamic forces. Moreover, the tendency of learning Islamic education among Muslims is losing significance because of western dominated secular education system.

Unwilling to sacrifice:
Since the sense of brotherhood is clearly absent from Muslim mind, the tendency of sacrifice is absent too.

Lack of information:
The Muslim states do not share information and technology with each other. Therefore individually they are dependent upon non-Islamic state, which has created a vicious cycle of dependency. Besides, the share the Muslim world holds in modern information technology is nominal comparing with the West that is another reason for backwardness of Muslims. It is said that the West rule the world through the force of information.

Media crisis:
The Muslim UMMAH does not possess internationally recognized medias therefore it is often carried away by the propaganda of anti-Islamic media. This clearly impacts unification process. The media crisis also equally affects in the internal politics among Muslim countries as the reality suggests that majority of domestic medias in Muslim countries are possessed and dominated by west supported groups.

Power politics:
Contemporary world system is based on power structure. Some states are power maker and rest of the states is power taker. Unfortunately there is no single Islamic super power under which a Muslim umbrella can be created.

Neo-colonial dimension:
The UMMAH could not get out from a pre-colonial tendency. Its behavior is molded by pre-colonial structure. This pre-colonial structure systematically creates dissension among Muslim states. For instance, still Bangladesh is continuing its problematic administrative set up and education system that was created by British colonial regime. As a consequence, whenever Bangladesh faces any problem regarding its administration or education, it becomes busy to import formula from Britain or a commonwealth ally. Hence, this creates the way for the neo-colonialism.

Stages  to unite the UMMAH

Muslim UMMAH has currently made up one fourth of the entire world population. However, their role in world politics, even in their internal affairs, is far less important than the role of foreign governments and superpowers.
Today the countries of the Muslim world are not united at all.  National Governments are created undesirably by the withdrawing colonial powers and evil spirit of nationalism are all psychologically pulling in different directions, according to their own self-centered interests.
The unity of the Muslim countries is absolutely essential – even if most Statesmen are incapable of trusting each other. Head of Muslim states should stop fighting amongst themselves and start to truly work together, for the good of all people throughout the Muslim world. They need to all be heading in the same direction – aligned towards their common good. If countries are to ever resolve the major problems in the world today, countries and their respective governments must start “working together towards UMMAH’s collective good”.

Political party

Unity among political parties of Muslim countries is the need of the day for uniting the UMMAH.  Now is time for political parties and groups to build warm relationship with others in national and international arena by sharing knowledge, thought and strategies and view exchange, dialogue and discussion. Islamic scholars and forums should try firmly to achieve convergence among different parties and hopefully the fruits of these efforts will be witnessed in uniting UMMAH’s political parties. The Islamic Movements also should develop an ardent passion to make their own nation-state the leader (model) in the struggle of Islamic revival. We can look at Syed Maudoodi’s vision for Indian subcontinent as a model Islamic State, and Ustadh Hasan-al-Banna for the “Arab world” as the source of a “basic” Islamic State.

The opportunities and potential for Muslim youths are infinite. Muslim Youth led organizations can build bridges and establish a comprehensive network that has geared towards the spiritual and intellectual development of the youths and young generation in Muslim world. They should promote unity amongst Muslims, engage youths in the propagation of Islam, and to promote youth involvement in Islamic initiatives.
Some organizations like WAMY, IIFSO are working for uniting Muslim youth organizations around the world. Followings are some common ways to unite the Muslim youth in social and political engagements:
Students unions
Human Rights Organizations
Economic organizations
Social service oriented organizations
Youth engagement in intellectual work

Types of unities

As a Muslim, we cannot let the anti-Islamic ideologists make the laws for us. It is our responsibility to establish Islamic practices and regulations from individual to national level. From very sense, individual, family, society and state are inter-related to build a peaceful and humanitarian nation. So any anti-Islamic action in apex stage affect an individual and any individual anti-Islamic act hamper the common interest of whole nation. So political integrity within and out of the state is necessary; especially with other Islamic states or political party. USA took initiatives to make good relation with Muslim countries based on three grounds namely (1) the dynamics set in play by the Arab Spring; (2) the nuclear issue with Iran; and (3) the Middle East peace negotiations. They emphasized on common interests of both parties ignoring conflicts existed among them. They became successful almost in all cases and came to an agreement with Iran on the very debatable issue of Nuclear power. Similarly, Islamic political parties can and should come to the point which is acceptable to all parties and it is possible if they can ignore dissimilarities and emphasize on common interests of all parties.
The recent conflict between two blocks named Saudi Arabia and Iran has reinforced the need of reconciliation of Muslim UMMAH to avoid the fruitless clash between them. In order to effectuate the attempt of uniting the UMMAH both parties have to honor and protect of its Shia citizens living within its own territory. Irrespective in nature like kingdom or democracy, a political party sitting in power of the state or should honor the ideology of another party avoiding the dissimilarity and this broad mind can unite Muslim UMMAH in terms of politics. We should remember that this conflict benefits western block and demolishes Muslim unity which is detrimental to us.


After World War II, non-Muslim powerful countries established some economic organization to spread economic web to catch big deals of developing Muslim countries bringing new dimension in economic arena and continued economic suppression un Muslim UMMAH. Still, the UMMAH is circling within this new economic trap of western countries. We need an economic organization representing solely by the Muslims upon the consensus of every Islamic state. Islamic Development Bank consisting of 56 members and authorized capital of ID 100 billion and subscribed capital to ID 50 billion, which was established in 1975, helped Muslim countries to be integrated. But IDB is not all the current economic situation of UMMAH requires. On the other hand, the major problem of the Muslim countries is the dependency on Western developed countries. In most cases, they impose irrational obligations on us to spend our loan in specific project which ultimately benefits the westerners and keep extra pressure on us to repay the amount. So, economic unity of Muslim UMMAH is another way to be freed from the economic oppression of the West.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Kashmir: A Paradise By Maria

                               Kashmir: A Paradise 


"Cherish forever the Wonderland of Kashmir, Snowcapped Mountains, Sunny Gardens, Houseboats, you will never want to go back. Kashmir is the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent. Historically the term Kashmir was used to refer to the valley lying between the Great Kashmir, the crowning glory of India. India's northernmost state and crown of India, Kashmir is a Paradise regained. Kashmir is so precious, no outsider is allowed to own land here.
Kashmir throughout the ages has remained another name for Paradise. Cradled in the lap of majestic mountains of the Himalayas, Kashmir is the most beautiful place on earth. On visiting the Valley of Kashmir, Jahangir, one of the Mughal emperors, is said to have exclaimed:
"If there is paradise anywhere on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here”.
The Mughals aptly called Kashmir ‘Paradise on Earth’ where they journeyed across the hot plains of India, to the valley’s cool environs in summer. Here they laid, with great love and care, Srinagar’s many formal, waterfront gardens, now collectively known as the Mughal Gardens. Anecdotes of four and five centuries ago describe their love for these gardens, and the rivalries that centered around their ownership. They also patronized the development of art & craft among the people of Kashmir, leaving behind a heritage of exquisite artisanship among these people and making the handicrafts of the land prized gifts all over the world.
Kashmir has four distinct seasons, each with its own peculiar character and distinctive charm. These are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring, which extends roughly from March to early May, is when a million blossoms carpet the ground. The weather during this time can be gloriously pleasant at 23°C or chilly and windy at 6°C. This is the season when Srinagar experiences rains, but the showers are brief.

Summer extends from May until the end of August. Light woolens may be required to wear out of Srinagar. In higher altitudes night temperatures drop slightly. Srinagar at this time experiences day temperatures of between 25°C and 35°C. At this time, the whole valley is a mosaic of varying shades of green - rice fields, meadows, trees, etc. and Srinagar with its lakes and waterways is a heaven after the scorching heat of Indian Plains
The onset of autumn, perhaps Kashmir's loveliest season, is towards September, when green turns to gold and then to russet and red. The highest day temperatures in September are around 23°C and night temperatures dip to 10°C by October, and further drop by November, when heavy woolens are essential.

Through December, to the beginning of March is winter time, which presents Srinagar in yet another mood. Bare, snow-covered landscapes being watched from beside the warmth of a fire is a joy that cannot be described to anyone who has not experienced it.


Gulmarg (or "Meadow of Flowers")
"In the winter when everything is covered with White Snow, it looks really a part of 'Paradise on Earth'."
Gulmarg, the charming hill resort Gulmarg means 'Meadow of Flowers'. It is the finest and the most famous pleasure resorts of the Kashmir. One of the Highest Mountains in the world, Nanga Parbat's magnificent view is possible to look from Gulmarg. Gulmarg is Kashmir's third most popular tourist resort, after Srinagar and Pahalgam. This meadow on the Pir Panjal Mountains shaped like the figure '8' is more than 3 km in length and 2 km in breadth. On all sides there are mountains and forests of 'Deodar' and 'Pine'                   
The fir-covered hills characterize the ascent to Gulmarg, Kashmir. There is also a spot on the way to Gulmarg, known as "View Point", where tourist often stop to admire the breathtaking sight of snowcapped mountains.
Gondola (Cable Car)
Through essentially meant to carry skier's uphill, a joyride in the Gulmarg Cable Car has become a tourist attraction in itself. There are at least hundred 'gondolas' with Gulmarg Cable Car Corporation. Therefore, you never have to wait for more than a minute for the next one to come along and carry you from 2,690m to a height of 5000m. 
Horse Riding (Pony Ride)
There is excellent horse riding place in the open valley with beautiful green meadows. Pony riding is one of amusements for the tourists. The Horses or Ponies are available in large on hire.
Gulmarg has a beautiful golf course that is situated at a height of 2,650 meters above the sea level. Tourists who travel to Gulmarg visit this beautiful and panoramic golf course, if not to actually play the game, but to admire the lush green land slopes that incline gradually and form a sight to behold. Tours to Gulmarg usually offer you a temporary membership at the golf course.                                                               

Skiing & Trekking
As far as adventure sports is concerned Gulmarg is a trekking base for those who trek to the Pir Panjal Range, Nanga Parbat and Khilalmarg. Tours to Gulmarg offer you facilities for hiring trekking equipment and local guides. Most of the resorts in Gulmarg provide all the facilities along with world-class equipment for those keen on skiing. Khilalmarg is an important skiing center. The skiing season commences in December and goes on till the month of April. The Gulmarg biosphere reserve is located at a distance of 48 kilometers from Srinagar and offers one of the most attractive wildlife .The fir-covered hills characterize the ascent to Gulmarg, Kashmir. There is also a spot on the way to Gulmarg, known as "View Point", where tourist often stop to admire the breathtaking sight of snowcapped mountains.

Pahalgam or the 'village of shepherds' is the most popular tourist resort in Kashmir after Srinagar; partly because of the variety it affords: mountains, pine, fir forests, a spectacular river and a lively marketplace."
Arguably one of the most beautiful places on earth, the town of Pahalgam (Village of Shepherds) offers you breathe taking views. You can just enjoy the town of Pahalgam or trek to some of the most beautiful places on earth. One can trek to Lidderwat, Kolohoi Glacier or to Sonmarg. Pahalgam is also the entry point for the famous Amarnath Cave, a holy site for Hindus. 
Pahalgam is located on the banks of the Lidder River, at the river's junction with the Shesh Nag. The resort is situated at an altitude of 2,130m. The Pahalgam valley is very attractive and spreads along the banks of the Lidder River, which is the local point of interest to the angler. The river Lidder runs through Pahalgam in a rushing torrent, foam flecked, and breaking in curling waves against the boulders that lie in its path, lending it both charm and majesty. The sound of the river Lidder is as eternal as the whisper of wind through pine and fir.
Horse Riding (Pony Ride)
Pony riding is one of amusements for the tourists. There is a large open area which is most beautiful with natural scenery and comfortable for horse riding. The horses or ponies are available in large on hire.

The Lidder and Shesh Nag streams are full with beautiful trout fishes and offer excellent fishing beats. Fishing equipment’s can be hired from Srinagar.
There is a small beautiful free meadow golf course of 9 holes at an altitude of 2400 meters from sea level. Golf sets are also available on hire here.

Pahalgam is the base camp for more treks than any other place in Kashmir. Few recommended ones are: The Amarnath Yatra, Bai Saran, The Tulian Lake, Kolahoi Glacier, Mamleshwar, Aru Chandanwari, Shikargah, Phirisalan and Lake Tarsar.
"According to the legend, somewhere in the valley, there is a well whose water turns any substance into gold. This is 'Sonamarg' means 'Meadow of Gold'."
Sonamarg lies at a distance of 84 kilometers from Srinagar, Kashmir, India. Sonamarg lies at an altitude of 2740 meters above the sea level. To be precise it lies on the Srinagar-Ladakh road. The Sindh River flows through the region.
Sonamarg is a hill resort. It is also a base camp for those visiting Ladakh.
As far as activities for tourists are concerned, travel to the Sindh River in Sonamarg offers ample opportunities for fishing. The Krishnasar Lake is also a site for fishing. Sonamarg is also a trekking base. A number of hiking and trekking trails makes Sonamarg an interesting place to travel to. Sonamarg is known for its natural beauty; in fact it is popular for its alpine flowers, sycamore, silver birch and pine trees.
 Sonamarg involves a visit to several tourist attractions. One of these is the Baltal camping base. Nilagrad is another tourist spot, where a small stream meets the Sindh River. The glaciers at Thajiwas are also an important tourist attraction. Sonamarg is well connected by road to Srinagar. The travel time in between the Sonamarg and Srinagar is about two hours.
Sonamarg is also the base of a major trek that passes along several mountain lakes –Vishansar, Kishansar, Gadsar, Satsar and Gangabal. Sonamarg is also the takeoff station for the drive to Ladakh across the Zojila, a major pass in the Great Himalayan Range, through which the Srinagar-Leh Road passes.
The Mughal Gardens
The Mughal Emperors built gardens from Tehran to Agra but it is in Kashmir, complemented by the lake and the mountains, that they reach their perfection. Indeed after houseboats and the mountains it is these gardens for which Kashmir is most famous.

Nishat Garden
Located in Srinagar, Nishat Bagh was built by Asaf Khan, Empress Nur Jahan's brother. Nishat is celebrated for its stately chinar (plane) trees, imported to Kashmir from Persia by the Mughals. Among these, many of the giant chinar trees have been planted by the Mughal Emperors. Nishat has 12 terraces representing the 12 signs of the zodiac, which seems to gradually descend and merge in the Dal Lake's periphery. The terraces viewed along with the bed of flower, a mosaic of bright and beautiful colours, creates an unforgettable sight. Also found within its surroundings are some remnants of Mughal era buildings including a double storey pavilion enclosed on two sides latticed windows.
Shalimar Garden (Adobe of Love)
Located in Srinagar, Shalimar Garden was laid out by Emperor Jahangir for his wife Nur Jahan in 1616. Shalimar Garden are the magnum opus of Srinagar's many gardens and parks. This beautiful garden was originally named the Farah Bakhsh or 'delightful garden', but today it is known as the 'garden of love'. The garden features a canal, lined with polished stones and is supplied with water from Harwan runs through the middle of the garden. Shalimar Bagh has an air of solitude and quietude, and its rows of amazing fountains and shaded lined trees seem to retire towards the snow dressed mountains. A sound and light show is held here every evening between May to October in the tourist season.
Chashma Shahi
Laid out by Shah Jehan, the Garden of Chashma Shahi, so named because of a mountain spring that waters it. The Garden include three terraces, an aqueduct, waterfalls and fountains. The fresh water spring in these pleasant, calm gardens is renowned to have medicinal values. There is also a small shrine, the Chasma Sahibi, close to the gardens, which also has a fresh water spring.
Pari Mahal
Pari Mahal was initially a garden founded by Dara Shiko, Mughal Emperor Shah Jehan's eldest son for his Sufi teacher, Mulla Shah. Once dotted with numerous springs, which have dried up now, the Pari Mahal gardens are now the treasure possession of the state. Pari Mahal is bedazzling with radiant lights at night, and though located on the spur of a hill, can he seen from most places in Srinagar. Pari Mahal, once a Buddhist monastery, was converted into a school of astrology by Dara Shikoh. Pari Mahal gardens are now fully maintained by the state government.

 Garden South of the village Harwan, on the hillside, one can see some remarkable remains of ancient ornamented tile pavements of the Buddhist era. The tiles depict the dresses of the people of that time, such as loose trousers, Turkoman caps or close fitting turbans and large ear-rings which presents the central Asian influence.
World Famous Dal Lake
The heart of the Kashmir is known as Srinagar, the heart of the Srinagar is known as Dal Lake, because of its own frame. The Dal Lake is not famous only in India but is famous throughout the World. Lying in the eastern side of Srinagar, at the foot of the Zabarwan Mountains, with Shankaracharya hill in its South, and Hazratbal on its West; is the lake Par-excellence- the Dal. The lotus flower cover it in autumn, the Dal is ideal site for magnificent Houseboats, while "Shikaras" skim about with the sails in the transparent waters of the Lake. Areas of the Dal Lake are grouped with slanting roofed houses on islands, while other parts seems lush green like well-planned gardens. As the eye travels onward, houseboats, houses and vegetation conclude unevenly and two huge sheet-like bodies of water - the Bod Dal & Lokut Dal, come into view. 
Floating Gardens
The lake is probably at its most beautiful when the lotus flowers bloom in July and August. The floating gardens, known as "Rad" in Kashmiri, are one of the stranger aspects of Dal Lake. They're composed of matted vegetation and earth, which are cut away from the lake bottom and towed to a convenient location where they are moored. Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Melons all grow amazingly well in these gardens, if one look underneath one can see that they do literally float on the lake. One can also approach the floating gardens by road; the boulevard runs along the eastern edge of the lake, providing fine views all the way. One will often see weeds being pulled up out of the lake - this serves a double purpose. The lake waterways are kept clear and the weeds are rotted until they form excellent compost for the gardens. The shallowness of the lake and its heavy growth of waterweeds is probably the main reason there are so very few powered boats on the water. Dal Lake would be nowhere near as pleasant if there were powerboats rushing back and forth across its tranquil surface. 
The largest group of houseboats lies along the western edge of the lake near the lakeside boulevard, towards Dal gate. They are lined in looping rows and around small islands. Several hotels can also be found on flat islands in the lake. Beyond the houseboats to the northwest are the floating gardens.

Nigeen Lake (Srinagar)

Known as the 'Jewel in the Ring', Nigeen is generally held to be the most beautiful of the Dal lakes. Its name comes from the many trees, which encircle the small, deep blue lake. Nigeen is only separated from the Larer Dal lakes by a narrow causeway and it also has a number of houseboats moored around its perimeter. If one wants to really get away from the chaotic city life all then Nigeen is a good place to find a house boat and do it the surroundings are much more serene and isolated than on Dal Lake. One can rent rowboats from the camping site here - either to simply row around the lake or to look around for a houseboat.