Wednesday, 24 January 2018



Some lesser known facts about our state:

·      Leading no. 3rd state of india in increasing rate of corruption and other such and like activities.

·      State with healthy literacy rate but has also high rate of unemployment.

J & k is a state with large manpower due to large no. Of individuals in the age group of 20-32 years , which means a good growing & developing state.

The above profile presents an illusion & one may get confuse about which side to look at to get the clear picture of the state. One cannot decide the development of the state by just looking the hospitals, colleges , schols being built & other initatives of the government. We should venture deep in every matter ; whether governmental or not & look for every possible merit as well as demerit in the functioning of the government. We have to check that as if government is only looking for its vested ends or it really is taking care of so called democratic state. We have to be keen in such matters. If we cast vote: our needs might be fullfilled by the concerned authorities of the ruling govt.

As we all know that if we want to see a change in any system , we have to be optimistic about that change & we have to stand in such mob which would support the cause for change. It is not single mans’ cup of tea to change the whole prevailing system but a person can be a key component in changing the system by acting & working in collabration with the lads of his simillar pinch.

according to my views and little vision over the whole state : i will mention few changes in our state architecture which i at my personal level wish to be in the menu of people controlling & running the state.

·      Politics and political terrorism should not be performed on the same ground. Politics should be played within the norms of democracy & executed according to the laws set by constitution.

·      Communication has vital role in our lives , so detaching the people from the rest of the world by communication gaging is the abstract oppression on the people by the government. So these media gags and internet gags should not be there.

·      As mentioned in earlier article “problems faced by students in kashmir  ” ; our education system facilitates theoritical work over practical one. This prevailing methodology is mere a literature revising practice done by our educationalists & nothing more than that. So i think there is a need for refaming & reforming  our education system.

Unemployment is the major issue in our state. The burden of unemployment is increasing with passing years. Lack of industrial sector and It sector has furnished the unemployment to  a huge scale. Another possible reason according to me is doing things without knowing them. A mob of engineering graduates and other graduates return to the state every year. Our govt is not capable to handle such manpower due to lack of resources and it becomes impossible for the govt to adjust this mob. So developing  scientfic temper is the need of an hour. Our youths should develop scientfic temper in them. We have to pave our own paths to success. Our vision should not be confined to engineering and medical practice only. We have to increase the horizon of our vision & venture out for more exciting thing & more oppurtunities waiting for being picked by us.

-—so lets come together & start changing ourselves & give a better future to this sorrow bound state oftenly called as heaven on earth & crop our good ideas to give the blooming and prosporus future to this state……………….



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